Use the video shortcode to embed your video files from Hugo Page Resources.
The theme optimizes images by default with a custom Hugo’s markdown render hook:
- The theme creates resized versions for each image, ranging from 100 to 700 pixels wide.
- It generates WebP versions for each size if the original image format isn’t WebP.
- The theme keeps the original file format as a fallback for browsers that don’t support the WebP format.
- Images in SVG format are embedded as-is.
Blog Post Cover Images
Use the front matter of your posts to add cover images:
This theme uses Prism for code highlighting. Other Hugo themes usually include a pre-configured version of Prism, which complicates updates and clutters the source code base with third-party JavaScript.
Only the Prism features you select in the Hugo site configuration are bundled by
the build process. This way, Prism can be easily updated with npm
and the size
of the JavaScript and CSS bundles are minimized by only including what you need.
Sample article showcasing basic Markdown syntax and formatting for HTML elements.
A brief description of Hugo Shortcodes
Lorem Ipsum Dolor Si Amet
A brief guide to setup KaTeX
Guide to emoji usage in Hugo